It is like a war zone over here you might say. Im running fracas all over trying to complete my assignment due 31st and im apparently far from achieving it before the deadline, unfortunately no thanks to a 4-day trip to Gopeng for Youth Camp. Don't get me wrong, I truly anticipate and miss camps but this bug around me at the moment isn't arousing any part of me, in fact its slicing me gradually. There would not be much of a lengthy joy and relaxation from now till possibly end of my final exam semester 2, which is 10th of January. One of my first times enduring this. Shows Im definitely old already!
Nevertheless, I'm here because Im working on my case study - 3rd one out of 7 to be precise - and found it difficult to overlook this particular video, in which I brand "total insult towards the females." Cut the female part, it is pretty funny actually :) I totally stand by gender equality by the way. Alright returning to the war zone. I enjoyed my short stint during Christmas service this morn fyi, and also this one here. Good bye.
Nevertheless, I'm here because Im working on my case study - 3rd one out of 7 to be precise - and found it difficult to overlook this particular video, in which I brand "total insult towards the females." Cut the female part, it is pretty funny actually :) I totally stand by gender equality by the way. Alright returning to the war zone. I enjoyed my short stint during Christmas service this morn fyi, and also this one here. Good bye.