Hmm not gonna comment too much bout this though. I was simply surfing through the net for stuff relating to my Ethics case study about "unethical advertising" and find it fascinating, this video.
I'm quite eccentric, inconsistent and undecisive most times a person i consider. Just 3 days back i jotted down a lengthy paragraph to be posted on the blog, perhaps too to celebrate successfully posting for 3 consecutive days. Then an about-turn again and i deleted it entirely. Hehh, what a loser :))
Been playing alot of badminton lately, or maybe too much at one go, considering i haven't been playing it recently and the body isn't quite indicating the adaptability green light just yet. My returns are weaker day by day and its not so good playing weak shots in front of many admiring eyes haha (; so i'd choose to rest tomorrow instead..aahh finallyy! Fitness test for badminton is next week; there are two tests consisting push-ups and "4-count squat thrust". I want to and believe i can be the fastest. Bravo :/
Been playing alot of badminton lately, or maybe too much at one go, considering i haven't been playing it recently and the body isn't quite indicating the adaptability green light just yet. My returns are weaker day by day and its not so good playing weak shots in front of many admiring eyes haha (; so i'd choose to rest tomorrow instead..aahh finallyy! Fitness test for badminton is next week; there are two tests consisting push-ups and "4-count squat thrust". I want to and believe i can be the fastest. Bravo :/