Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I think maybe its in my blood that I'm a bloody good guy. The heart is always a very pure one. I have to honestly admit, I had my times when I was exactly one of those whom i call "immature" at this time. Who doesn't? But undeniably, it is really such a blessing that from such a subtle thing like going to Sunday School because I have nothing better to do on a Sunday, and because there is food lying everywhere as long as I sit still or at least mumble out tunes for an hour or so, I am what I am today.

I never thought such a decision leads me to become a Christian as I am now, more specifically, God has unconsciously gradually entered my life in such an amazing faint way. I have come a very long an interesting journey after so many years - whether I was just an innocent kid looking for food and Sunday entertainment, or when I was introduced to a Youth group and reluctantly joining just because my parents pushed me to, or I attend Youth just because there is captainball, or even now when I'm playing a much more responsible role. This God has shaped me - in which I'm very thankful grateful for no simple words like these explain itself - to be what I am today, despite many different situations I have encountered right till today. I would still be one of those people having nothing in life if He hadn't done anything about me.

It came to the point when I realize I don't quite need to "control" my behaviour to 'look' like a Christian, was when I know I have taken my life to a higher level, perhaps a step closer to God. I have my natural fiery character, but honestly no situation quite deters me being what I am. I must have thought many times, if I ever return to old ways, it must take something extraordinary. I love you, God.

Sorry, I have failed.

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