Tuesday, December 15, 2009

be transformed

it might have seemed too shallow to some. it probably meant too little to others. but sometimes you just need to trust God and go for it. every single thing that happened in camp meant something, and it only helps build up the relationship with your fellow mates, yourself, and of course, GOD the Almighty.

sometimes you look at situations, and loathe being in it. you despise the circumstances, you protest how people do things, you question what behaviour and position people play, you zoom in on everything but yourself! ever wonder why you are in all the so to say 'wrong' places? why not ask yourself what YOU can do during these times. camp has been alot about giving back, so stop enjoying yourself in the receiving circle and think you are all important alright? its time for some sacrifice.

personally tho, it can't be denied there were hitches and difficulties during camp. the group was exceptionally young and the bigger role i play as an adult (yeah, im *that* old nowadays). the bright side was seeing how quieter people emerged from their shells and dishing out a pretty wonderful job of organising, or interacting and adapting better than iv ever thought. it makes me feel better knowing the newcomers enjoy, and the ultra young ones have the time of their life. it doesn't matter if some activities didn't run as smooth, its the thought that counts. i feel bad for those who couldn't make it. because every camp builds up so much on relationships and your perceptions in especially your spiritual life, or even, perceptions about how things and what how who people are.

well there were interesting programs like a night trail, where we get dropped off four by four and spend some pitch-black times getting to know each other (and the Golden Retriever even came and joined in!) and then join back as a whole troop, there was the awesome workshop in which i joined taekwando (with the outstanding Samantha kok!) and never regretted one bit, the unfortunate treasure hunt where the test of patience featured (well, 3 hyper young kids in my group..) and also getting stuck at sudoku roadblock (my 2nd time playing in my life, and i probably spent almost an hour there, BRAVO myself!) and never progressing from there, a pretty amusing and silly talentime with a Mario storyline, sessions which covered the essential Christian life for us Dummies (i have to say, it surprisingly touched alot of things we badly need to work on), Guardian Angel in which we have to secretly do something (buy a drink, hug, give this that whatsoever) for our randomly-picked GA, owh not forgetting one of the most delicious Youth camp meals i ever had. the surroundings of El Sanctuary was simply perfect.

hah, i sound too emo. maybe its the effect of getting up from a great nap. it has been all tiring, but it has also been truly deserving.

*El Sanctuary offers you true beauty (of humans and nature) :D and also golden retrievers, and 'landmines'! one of the best campsites for me indeed.

and i have a blog update while i was away, yay! :)

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