Thursday, August 27, 2009

like it always does

if you count unexpected one or two hours of sleep a real sleep, then i did that. the body was battered after i finally completed my assignment (which i dont even remember what time i did...maybe lauren could tell me), it automatically carried me into my room and switched off! yeah, the memory of having an exam in a few hours' time was apparently vanished alongside. when i actually got up, my life was temporarily turned frenzy. it was a literal fracas and havoc all over my skin and for once in some time, i felt heavy carrying my 60kg, and was pretty much anxious about not making it.

somewhat only God can tell. i arrived late enough yet good enough to be allowed in the exam hall. and completed the exam paper as if i was given an extra hour. it was a paper people could finish in 20 mins and without having too much problems answering it.

just got a real power nap, tho i doubt its enough.. it never is. assignments, 3 more. did you even realize most times i post something, assignment dues will always be there? yeah, its that unbelievable over here. and what more, the student loan thingo wont be coming in for another month. now im wondering whether its a good thing or otherwise. good, because inevitably i'd be spending money yet the loan i have more money! otherwise, because i'd have to find my way to get that money for one month of survival. starting with tonight, i'd be going out, and with 10 bucks in my wallet. where begging comes in :/

theres nothing good about today really. nasty, in fact.

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